
,Usually,youriPhonebackupsarestoredin:/Library/ApplicationSupport/MobileSync/Backup/.Ifyoufailtofinditbyfollowingthispath,thenyoucanfollow ...,2023年9月29日—SearchforthebackupfolderonyourMac·ConnectyourdevicetoyourMacusingaUSBorUSB-Ccable.·IntheFinder,selectGo>GotoFolder.,2024年2月7日—IntheFinder,selectGo>GotoFolder.·Typeorcopyandpaste~/Library/ApplicationSupport/MobileSync/Backup/inthep...

How to Find iPhone Backup Location on Windows 10 and ...

Usually, your iPhone backups are stored in: /Library/Application Support/MobileSync/Backup/. If you fail to find it by following this path, then you can follow ...

Locate backups of your iPhone, iPad and iPod touch

2023年9月29日 — Search for the backup folder on your Mac · Connect your device to your Mac using a USB or USB-C cable. · In the Finder, select Go > Go to Folder.

Locate backups of your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch

2024年2月7日 — In the Finder, select Go > Go to Folder. · Type or copy and paste ~/Library/Application Support/MobileSync/Backup/ in the pathname window.

Where are iPad and iPhone backups stored on PC or Mac?

2019年8月23日 — iTunes backups are stored in ~/Library/Application Support/MobileSync on macOS. That folder is typically at /Users/[USERNAME]/Library/ ...

Where are iPhone backups stored? Find your iTunes ...

2023年6月8日 — On Windows systems, your iPhone backups are usually located here: -Users-(username)-AppData-Roaming-Apple Computer-MobileSync-Backup- . However, ...

Where Does iTunes Store Backup [How to Change It?]

Head over to the current iTunes backup directory and make a copy of the “C:-Users-Your username-AppData-Roaming-Apple Computer-MobileSync-Backup-” directory.